We love to see how families use Tubby Todd in their homes every day. Follow along with our series, A Day with the Basics! Today, we are hearing from from Lonny Magazine Editorial Director, Angela Tafoya! She has one adorable daughter, Tallie. Read about what her day to day looks like, where her creativity stems from, and what motherhood has taught her below! Enjoy.
Q: What does your day to day look like?
A: It varies, but on a standard day it is usually a mix of checking in with my team, editing pieces for Lonny, working on any bigger-picture projects we have coming up, maybe heading to an event or meeting and then home to pick up Tallie from school. Once I’m home it’s really game-on (as any parent of a toddler can attest to), and I typically play with Tallie for a bit and help with dinner (I’m lucky my husband Eric is the chef in our house) and then we all sit down to eat together. Right after, it’s bath, a little more play, then book and lights out. Even though, it’s usually about an hour before she’s asleep because no one has more things to suddenly do than a toddler who was just told to go to sleep. Ha!
Q: You have a pretty neat job! Tell us about your Editorial Director role at Lonny Mag?
A: It’s a lot of fun! So, I’ve been in the publishing industry out here in S.F. for quite a few years (holding positions at PopSugar and Refinery29). I was given the opportunity to oversee Lonny in 2016 and it’s been a great evolution and challenge for me. I oversee the site and the editors on the team, that involves creating and managing the editorial calendar, editing every post, implementing and executing strategies for various site initiatives, thinking about the brand holistically and how we can continue to grow our audience, and representing Lonny at events and trips. We are a super small team (four total), so there’s some days were my role really shifts or leans into one of these areas more than the other, but I love that and it’s been exciting to see how my vision for the site has really impacted it over those two and half years.

Q: Have you always had an eye for design & style? Where does your passion stem from?
A: When I was little I used to rearrange items in our house to style them better! I think the interest has always been innate but it wasn’t until I was at Refinery29, when I really was able to tap into my love for design and style in a more serious way. I loved covering homes and the idea of what creates or makes a home. Our home tours were my absolutely favorite to produce. My boyfriend (now husband) really had a knack for design as well and it has always been a common interest for us both. I really think design should be democratic and attainable, and that’s always been the point of view I have taken with it.

Q: We love hearing people talk about their dreams. What are some of yours? They can be simple + small, some bucket list items, or an overall grand hope for life.
A: Well, the biggest dream/goal is to continue create and foster a healthy and supportive upbringing for my daughter. It’s so important to me to raise a confident, empathetic, bright child while supporting whatever avenue her interests take — this core goal really influences a lot of my broader hopes and dreams for myself and my family. One that really ties into that, is really ground myself in my life’s work and truest self — really carving out time for this kind of spiritual and emotional growth. It’s been a big goal of mine for 2019 and I think by doing this, it will make me a stronger mother, wife, friend and really create room for ideation and clarity for whatever it is that comes my way. I know that’s not really a concrete goal per se, but it’s a big one! And travel more!

Q: How do you make bath time fun with your daughter? Does she have a favorite routine?
A: Bath time is really one our favorite times of the day. It’s a moment for us to pause after our days and connect with each other without any distractions. We love to sing and play! No bath is complete without bubbles. So first I fill it up with as many bubbles as possible then she jumps in and depending on how she feels that day, will grab a few toys and play around or practice her “swimming” in the tub. Once we’re out we put on lotion and the All Over Ointment and then get dressed for bed. Tallie actually suffers from eczema so making sure her skin is supported by products that help it is super important.

Q: What is your favorite Tubby Todd Product? What do you love about it?
A: I love the Hair & Body Wash. It gets so sudsy and easy to wash out. However, because of Tallie’s skin, the All Over Ointment is for sure a favorite because it’s really helped with it. It’s definitely a mainstay in our collection.

Q: What is the biggest lesson you have learned from motherhood?
A: This is such a hard question because I am feel like I am learning a new lesson every day. And, aside from the incredible amount of love and devotion to her that I didn’t even know was possible, I’ve learned a lot in terms of leading by example and how important it is to be this and live this through every move and above, all be HONEST. I try to answer her questions very honestly and thoughtfully. I love her curiosity and really want to support her by being there and making sure she knows I am always hear to listen always and that the all time we have together feels quality.

Q: What's coming up next for you? Any big trips or plans?
A: Yes! We have a fun new project/product from Lonny launching this spring that we’ve been working on for about two years! So really excited to share more about that soon. And, yes — hoping to get some nice family vacay time in this year!
Thank you Angela! We are so inspired by your beautiful family, killer job and perfectly executed bob haircut. You're killing it mama.
xx Team Tubby
Check out our other Day With the Basics features with a few of our other favorites Paige Jones & Liz Bohannon!