We love to see how families use Tubby Todd in their everyday lives. Follow along with our series, A Day with the Basics to meet some real life Tubby Todd mamas! Today, we are spending a Day with the Basics with Tubby Todd Mama Rachel King and her two sweet kiddos. Read on to find out about their daily skincare routines, favorite Tubby Todd products and how they celebrate the holidays!
Q: What does an average day look like for your family?
A: Our days usually starts between 5:30-6 (the boys are early risers!) . We have the privilege of living within walking distance of a shopping center with coffee shops and grocery stores, so we will regularly walk to get breakfast. Mornings are usually when we meet up with friends, run errands, etc. We tend to come home, if we’ve been out, between 11-12 to have lunch and relax a bit before naptime. Both boys take about a two hour nap in the afternoon. This is my time to either get work done, or decompress/pick up depending on how the morning went :).
We usually play outside or hang around the house until I need to start making dinner. Zach comes home between 5:30 -6, and we try to eat dinner together as much as we can. After dinner it’s bath time which is a favorite for the boys.They always ask for bubbles and absolutely love it. We almost always have to pull them out to start our bedtime routine. After baths, the boys get some milk and we relax with a show or books before they head to bed around 7.

Q: Your sweet oldest boy is adopted! Tell us a little about what that incredible process has been like.
A: Yes! Mason’s adoption was finalized this past April, after fostering him for almost two years. It’s quite an emotional rollercoaster to be honest. It’s a privilege being an adoptive mom, but I also can’t forget that I’m not his only mommy, and I am doing my best to always remember to include his birth family in conversations with him. Overall, we just continue to give thanks God chose us to be his forever family. There is so much joy knowing we are promised forever with him and we don’t take that for granted. For us, family is so much more than just blood relations, and we love that our definition of family means that the door is always open for anyone who needs a home.
Q: How do you make bathtime/skincare fun for your babes? Do they have a favorite routine?
A: The boys LOVE their bathtime! It’s not hard to get them in the tub haha. They love using the bubble bath and are always asking for more. I’ve also taught them how to wash their own bodies (with some assistance- to make sure they are fully cleaned) and so they love picking out their soap bottles and having me lather up their washcloths. They think it’s hilarious to dump water on each other’s heads - so I’m incredibly thankful the shampoo and conditioner is gentle so I can lather their heads up and they can rinse each other off :) We love the all over ointment after baths to help with dry skin, especially in the winter.

Q: We love to talk about rituals and traditions during the Holiday season. What are some that you share with your family?
A: We love the Holiday season! I am a traditions lover, and although we are a young family we already have some of our own underway. First, we always go to Christmas Eve service at church, regardless of whether we are staying at home or visiting family for the holidays. It’s very important for us to celebrate our Savior first and foremost. A fun tradition I started when we first became parents was to get matching Christmas pjs for us all. We get them right after Thanksgiving so we can wear them the entire month of December! A few other fun things we love to do are to go and see outdoor Christmas lights, as many Christmas movies as possible, and we are always hosting at least few holiday parties. I love hosting in general, so the holidays is especially fun for me to have so many people over!

Q: Do you or your little ones have a favorite Tubby Todd product?
A: The boys love the bubble bath. They always ask for it when they take a bath. My personal favorite product is the All Over Ointment. Liam struggled with rashes under his chin as an infant from all his drooling and it was the only thing that would clear his sweet face up. Ever since then I’ve been hooked on it for any skin irritations for the whole family. Mason also LOVES the lip balm. He wants to use it constantly!

Q: What is the biggest lesson you have learned from motherhood?
A: The biggest lesson I’ve learned from motherhood so far is that you can’t sweat the little things. Schedules won’t always be kept, and mishaps will happen. But the main thing is to always be focused on building connection with my kids, through whatever our days hold. I’ve found that my joy in motherhood is greatest when I’m not focused on my to-do list or the messes around me but my beautiful kids. It’s true that the days are long, but the years are short. When I look back even just a bit ago, I don’t remember how clean the house was but the sweet moments I shared with my boys. Being a mom has reminded me and continued to teach me that life is about people, first and foremost.

Q: What is something you’re most looking forward to in the coming year? In the next five years?
A: Something I’m really looking forward to in this next year is watching the boys’ friendship grow. Now that they are a little older I can see their relationship really beginning to form and it’s the coolest thing as a mom watching your kids become friends. I’m excited to see their bond grow over this next year even more. Over the next five years, I’m really looking forward to travelling as a family. Zach and I love to travel and both are passionate about wanting our kids to experience travel and I’m hopeful we will start to do more of it with the boys in the next five years. Also, I’m excited to add one (maybe even two) more babies to the King clan within the next five years!

Q: You mentioned you have a big trip coming up! How do you keep up with skincare on-the-go?
A: Yes! We are travelling to visit Zach’s family for the holidays! I am so thankful for the Tubby Toddy Travel Kit because it allows me to use the products I trust even while we travel. I think it also helps maintain the boys’ skin while we are travelling to different locations because we continue to use the products we love which keeps things consistent for them. It’s also super handy that they are already travel size because we don’t usually check our bags when we fly so this kit allows me to bring the products in our carry on.

Follow along with Rachel and her family on Instagram @rachelmking.