We love to see how families use Tubby Todd every day. Follow along this series, A Day with the Basics! If you use Tubby Todd in your home, be sure to tag @_themamablog and #adaywiththebasics to share! First up, Chrissy Irvin:
Tubby Todd Hair, not just for the ladies
1. Hey Chrissy! Tell us what your child's hair is like, and any concerns you have when choosing hair products.
His hair is a little dry. I was most excited about the conditioning/detangling spray because I think he needs a little added moisture.
2. What type of hair washing routine has worked the best for the both you and your littles?
We just bought a new house and don't have a bath yet -- just a shower! Eli kind of hates showers, mainly because of the water over his eyes, so we only do it about twice a week and I usually get in with him and hold him while we get clean -- it's a pretty sweet time for us. I love how quickly TT shampoo rinses out, it doesn't prolong the water-over-the-eyes experience for him.
3. What about post-washing routine (conditioning, detangling, styling)? What do you usually do?
We really don't do much after washing -- a quick brush-through. So excited about this detangling spray for keeping his long hair nice and soft! We like to keep his hair long, and since he hasn't had a haircut yet, we rely on high-quality products to keep it really healthy.
3. What do you think is the biggest thing you've learned from motherhood so far?
Oh man -- that's a biggie -- well, I think having lots of grace - for yourself and other mamas - is a big one. Of course it's not something I've fully learned, but I'm learning, and will continue to forever I can imagine. Grace for the hard days where I didn't get any work done and didn't exercise or feed my kid well-rounded meals and my house is a mess, grace for all the emotions (so many emotions!) that come with motherhood, grace for pouring that huge glass of wine and Netflix-ing it all night the second he's in bed, grace when my kid temper tantrums in the middle of HomeGoods and I have to leave a full cart of stuff in the aisle. The more grace I can muster up for myself, the more I reject shame and embarrassment and feeling like I've failed, the more grace I extend to other moms, the less I judge any of us, and the more understanding I become at damn -- this role is the most beautiful, vulnerable, painfully challenging one I've ever taken on.
4. Also if there are any other details you can think of to add that may help other mamas, such as "we always use a Wet Brush, because it helps with tangles," or "something else we love using the conditioner for is..." or even, "I love using the ____ myself, because____."
We love how natural and long-lasting our TT products are. We have one bottle that is still here -- 20 months in! It really only requires a little bit to clean his whole bod. The scents are amazing - fresh and natural, never overpowering or fake. They never irritate Eli's skin. We are so excited to start including the conditioning products into our routine, and I think mama's gonna try some on herself ;), I've definitely stolen some of his dream cream. (It literally is a dream!)
Thanks so much, Chrissy! So glad you and Eli are loving our Lavender and Rosemary Hair and Body Wash and Yummy Lemon Detangler Spray and Conditioner.
Read more #daywiththebasics here: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16