Happy holidays!!
This time of year is absolutely crazy - especially as a mother! It feels like there are a million things to do, and taking care of ourselves can veeeery slowly slip into the back burner. Even if you’re only able to fit in 15 minute workouts here and there - AMAZING! No need to wait for January 1st to “start over”, or take care of yourself. Every day is a new day. Any day can be January 1st, if you want it to be! Do the best you can, and keep going. You’re doing an incredible job, mama!
Here is a quick holiday workout you can do from home. It only requires a set of dumbbells, and it’s a fun way to get in a workout during this busy time! Repeat each exercise 8-10x, and repeat each circuit 1-3x. Grab a friend, and try it out!
H - hip thrusts
A - alternating arm & knee tucks
P - plank slides
P - plank jacks
Y - y raises
H - hip thrust pulses
O - overhead squats
L - lateral raises
I - ice skaters
D - deadlift
A - alternating curls
Y - y superman lifts
S - sumo squat pulses