In honor of Father's Day, we asked you all to tell us about why your little one's dad or father figure is the absolute best... and you all delivered! We loved reading about all of the sweet, heartwarming, and silly moments your li'l ones + their pops share!
All of the featured dads below have each won a $150 Tubby Todd gift card to stock up on goodies for a little extra bathtime fun with the kiddos! Let's hear it for the dads... Happy Father's Day!

"He understands the value of a soft touch, a loving hug, and a gentle spoken word."
TT Dad: Alan Dozier
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
He's the cornerstone of the home. He possesses great emotional strength and sometimes physical strength for our family. This requires that he be able to handle pressure, make the tough decisions, and be firm when necessary. However, he also knows how to be a gentle giant. He understands the value of a soft touch, a loving hug, and a gentle spoken word. Family life at home should be the most fun place on earth, and nothing makes it more fun than Alan who knows how to have a good time. My kids love to joke around, laugh, wrestle, play outside, play games, watch movies, and they love to do it with their DAD. Alan who knows how to have fun is one of the greatest gifts I can give to my children.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
The Tubby Hair Duo
Does he have a nickname?
"He is the kindest man I could have ever hoped to re-start a family with."
TT Dad: Armando Hsu
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
Armando has been there for my 2 boys from my previous marriage, and he had said he would be grateful to treat them as his own if he and I never had a biological child together.
When we were blessed with Phoenix, he was over the moon, thrilled, awestruck, and anxious about how to be a good father to an infant. From the birthing process and on, he has been the most supportive and kindest partner, with me every step of the way. Watching him experience fatherhood and seeing his love grow from our blended family of four to include an ours baby, Phoenix, has been an incredible thing to see. He jumped into this role as a bachelor with zero kids who lived alone and had all the me-time in the world, and in a very short time he became a father to three kids, caring for kids, a wife, and an elderly dog.
He has been there for every soccer game; he has been there to teach the boys how to swim and ride bikes. He has helped me homeschool the boys during the pandemic. He is the kindest man I could have ever hoped to re-start a family with.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
Tubby Todd All Over Ointment, because it has been a godsend for our baby’s eczema-prone skin.
Does he have a nickname?
The older boys lovingly call him “Pops”.
"Mylo is fortunate enough to have not only one but two dads, who love him so much and spoil him with all the attention and care he deserves!"
TT Dad: Victor & Xavier Barbieri Romani
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
Mylo is fortunate enough to have not only one but two dads, who love him so much and spoil him with all the attention and care he deserves. Both dads are fans of Tubby Todd products and use them all throughout the day on little Mylo.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
[Our] favorite Tubby Todd product is the All Over Ointment! Mylo has very sensitive skin and other brands were just not good for him. TT’s ointment makes Mylo’s skin very smooth - perfect for more and more kisses!
Does he have a nickname?
Mylo calls us daddy and papai (which means daddy in Portuguese, since one of the dads is from Brazil!)
"He is so empathetic to them he really feels it in his heart if they are upset and hates to see them cry."
TT Dad: Carlton Martin
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
I am a single mom to twins. I am nominating my father, the twins grandfather.
He is their favorite person! In the mornings they wake up asking for him and run to the door whenever he comes home. He fills them with so much love and spoils them rotten. He is so empathetic to them he really feels it in his heart if they are upset and hates to see them cry.
The three of them have the best adventures he always makes sure they’re having a good time. Always makes sure they’re drinking enough water lol. He even stayed home from work for a month to take care of them when they’re got colds. I had just started working and couldn’t stay home from work myself. Needless to say they all had the best of time at Grampy daycare.
He has been a phenomenal father to me and has been there for me every step of my life. I am so happy to see him as a grandpa sharing his big heart and love with his grand twins.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
Favorite product is the Everyday Lotion. He hates if the twins' skin looks dry!
Does he have a nickname?
"Even during those times when he was battling cancer and weak from chemo, he made sure that he was very much present in our son's life."
TT Dad: Greg Tsujiuchi
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
Greg is the best Tubby Todd Dad because he is far beyond an amazing Dad. Even during those times when he was battling cancer and weak from chemo, he made sure that he was very much present in our son's life. He has also stepped up doing the things I am not able to do. He takes my son to all his all ballgames and activities, takes him fishing and camping and teaches him how to be handy at home. He's just been super amazing and my son is truly lucky to have him.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
AOO and Bubble Bath
Does he have a nickname?
"He has the most playful, kind, and thoughtful personality of anyone I’ve ever met."
TT Dad: Hunter Yarnell
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
Teacher by day and Dada all the time, Hunter is the best Tubby Todd Dad because of his love for his own and others kiddos. He has the most playful, kind, and thoughtful personality of anyone I’ve ever met. Also he handles bath time every night making him the ultimate bubble buddy for our son Emerson.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
All Over Ointment!
Does he have a nickname?
"My husband is what everyone hopes the father of their kid will be like, and more."
TT Dad: Colin Rivera
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
I had severe postpartum depression and anxiety. And couldn't have gotten through it without my husband. He took extra night shifts. And extra day shifts. And handled bath time. He even connected me with women who had been through PPD so I could have a group to text for support or advice when I was overwhelmed. All while trying to stay afloat in law school. I saw all he did as going "above and beyond;" he just saw it as "being a dad." He plays guitar for our son, helps him master tummy time, and is a champion at getting him down for naps. Our son LOVES bath time when his dad sings to him (his current favorite is "Baby Beluga" and wants it sung on repeat for the entire bath). He particularly loves having his hair washed and then having his legs massaged when we put on lotion. Or, as my husband calls it, "baby spa." After bath time comes story time and I've shared a video we watch over and over of our son being the gassiest baby while my husband tries to read him a story. My husband is what everyone hopes the father of their kid will be like, and more. We're lucky to have him and so excited to celebrate him on this, his first Father's Day.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
All Over Ointment
Lotion (post-bath; step two in "baby spa")

"He is a branch director for a Boys and Girls Club here in AZ and he treats every single kid and teen that comes in those doors like one of his own."
TT Dad: Christian Sanft
Why is he the best Tubby Todd Dad?
Christian has a heart of gold and the patience of a Saint! He is a branch director for a Boys and Girls Club here in AZ and he treats every single kid and teen that comes in those doors like one of his own. I often joke that he is the community dad because he helps with so many kids and fills in the holes for a lot of families. And then he comes home and keeps working- he usually makes dinner, does homework, and bathtime while I run out for some sanity time.
What is his favorite Tubby Todd product?
Definitely Hair Detangler!
Does he have a nickname?
Dadifer (like Jennifer) is a favorite of the kids
Thank you to everyone who entered! Happy Father's Day!
Read about last year's winners here!