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Breastfeeding Advice and Encouragement from 4 Tubby Todd Mamas

This week we launched our newly reformulated Nipple Balm for all our breastfeeding and expecting mamas! With gentle, organic ingredients this soothing balm will be any nursing mama's new BFF! Along with our launch, we reached out to some #tubbytoddmamas to share a little bit about their breastfeeding journey with us—check out their advice and encouragement below and remember, you've got this, Mama!

Tubby Todd Mama Blog
Abbie Orr (@ourorrdinarydays)

Is there one piece of advice you'd love to share about the experience of breastfeeding?
Know that breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally. It’s a learning process for both mama and baby. Especially the first time. Don’t give up just because it’s not feeling natural, it will come with time and with that a beautiful breastfeeding relationship will form.

I also think it’s so important to make sure baby has a proper latch, it’s the difference between an awesome first few weeks vs the first few weeks being extremely hard. Latch is everything! If baby doesn’t seem to be latched correctly, take baby off, adjust the latch. Practice makes perfect with latch. You can also tell if a latch is off. Baby will make a clicking noise and when they come off the breast your nipple will look like a fresh tube of lipstick (meaning the latch is shallow and baby was compressing it)

What has been the biggest challenge of your breastfeeding journey? Biggest reward?
Through breastfeeding I learned patience and perseverance. It took so much work to learn with my first but it was so worth it. I breastfed her 20 months after a very hard first 6 weeks. Since I have breastfed my second daughter and am now breastfeeding our son. All beautiful breastfeeding relationships because I pushed passed the hard part with my oldest daughter.

Tubby Todd Mama Blog
Anjelika Temple (@anjelikatemple)

What has been the biggest challenge of your breastfeeding journey? Biggest reward?
The first moment your kid latches (to your breast or a bottle!) is a seriously eureka moment, especially in the whirlwind of childbirth. With both girls, I remember so clearly that moment after each of my c-sections, in the recovery room, when the nurse was like "alright mama, let's give this girl some milk" and it just clicked. It worked, and felt euphoric. With my newest babe Indira, she also happened to poop on me during this idyllic moment so you know, #momlife.

Is there one piece of advice you'd love to share about the experience of breastfeeding?
Be patient with yourself and your babe. As magical as it can be, breastfeeding is no walk in the park. And pumping is hard work! I remember being so stressed out when I hadn't pumped enough for a work trip away, but once we introduced formula here and there, it was as if my breastmilk started flowing more! I didn't feel like I was carrying the weight of making sure I produce enough milk, because I knew we had a backup plan. Honestly, after that moment, I started to love breastfeeding even more because it didn't feel as high pressure as before. What matters is that your priority is nourishing your babe and yourself!

Tubby Todd Mama Blog
Melissa Guerpo (@melissa_guerpo)

Is there one piece of advice you'd love to share about the experience of breastfeeding?
I asked my lactation consultant and midwife so many questions. Even as a second time mother there was still so much that I needed to learn and understand about BF. So, don’t hesitate to ask questions. You aren’t alone on your BF journey and there are so many people that want you to succeed and have an enjoyable BF experience.

What has been the biggest challenge of your breastfeeding journey? Biggest reward?
The first week was super challenging. My daughter was learning how to latch and I was learning how to position her, etc., and during that learning curve I got severely raw, scabbed nipples. It was such an intense sharp pain.
My firstborn was in the NICU and wasn’t able to have breast milk until several days after birth. I knew I wanted to BF so I devotedly pumped to ensure I’d have milk when his body was able to drink milk. I continued pumping until he was discharged 1 month later. To this day I believe that his breast milk consumption was instrumental in his healing journey making me so glad I stuck with BF.

Name one thing that made your fourth trimester breastfeeding journey a little easier (could be a product, piece of advice, late-night ice cream runs by your significant other—anything that made those early days a tiny bit easier!)
There are so many things that have contributed to making my BF journey enjoyable but if I had to choose one thing it would be my nursing pillow! I use the Natti Natti pillow.

Tubby Todd Mama Blog
Lizzie Curtis (@lizziecurtis)

What has been the biggest challenge? Biggest reward?
Breastfeeding was not the natural easy journey I assumed it would be, and once you start that journey as a mom you realize there really is no one story that is alike! Each mother goes through her own breastfeeding journey, I always ended up needing to supplement with formula because apparently my milk is skim milk and my babies couldn’t gain weight. But what I know now that I didn’t then is that your milk supply is not a reflection of you as a mother! Whether you breastfeed for one month or two years your love will always mean more to your baby then your milk!

Shop our new Organic Nipple Balm HERE—seriously, this stuff will be your new breastfeeding BFF!

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