The Holidays are such a magical time for little ones. We definitely love our fair share of shopping, sugary treats and presents—but the Holidays represent so much more than that, too. They are a time of close togetherness for families and we try our best not to lose sight of the importance of those little moments amidst all the hustle and bustle. Here are some of our very favorite Holiday bathtime rituals (bonus: they don't include screens or sugar!) to practice with your little ones. We hope they become Tubby traditions that you practice for years to come!
Tubby Tunes
Turn on some music and sing your favorite Holiday songs or carols with your little ones (our Tubby Todd bottles make great makeshift microphones).
Seasonal Scents
We love the idea of swapping your skincare products out for festive, special scents (Cranberry Mandarin, anyone?!) to celebrate the season and make bathtime that much more special.
Bubbles & Books
Have your babe choose their favorite Holiday book before bathtime, fill the tub with bubbles and do a dramatic reading while they soak.
Santa Suds
Have your kiddos jump in a nice bubbly bath and use those fluffy suds to make beards so they look just like Santa.
Give Bubbly Thanks
Tell your little one what you are most grateful for during the Holiday season, or just for that day, and then have them do the same (we guarantee they will say something super adorable that will make your heart melt).
Deck the Tub
Why should the halls get all the Holiday goodness—we love to deck the TUB too! Hang greenery and other decor on or near your tub for extra festive bathtime.
Shop the Tubby Holiday Collection HERE.